Commodity taxes, wage determination and profits
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Delipalla, Sophia ; Sanfey, Peter |
Publisher: |
Canterbury : University of Kent, Department of Economics |
Subject: | Verbrauchsteuer | Spezielle Verbrauchsteuer | Effizienzlohn | Lohnverhandlungstheorie | Theorie |
Commodity taxes, wage determination, and profits
Delipalla, Sofia, (2001)
Commodity taxes, wage determination and profits
Delipalla, Sofia, (2000)
Commodity taxes, wage determination and profits
Delipalla, Sofia, (1998)
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Commodity Taxes, Wage Determination and Profits
Delipalla, Sophia, (1998)
Commodity taxes, wage determination, and profits
Delipalla, Sofia, (2001)
Commodity taxes, wage determination and profits
Delipalla, Sofia, (2000)
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