The credit crunch and its macroeconomic impacts in small-open developing economies : a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium analysis
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Ahortor, Christian Regobeth Kofi |
Published in: |
The international journal of applied economics and finance. - Faisalabad : ANSInet, ISSN 1991-0886, ZDB-ID 2518114-2. - Vol. 4.2010, 1, p. 1-30
Subject: | Kreditrationierung | Credit rationing | Wirkungsanalyse | Impact assessment | Dynamisches Gleichgewicht | Dynamic equilibrium | Simulation | Stochastischer Prozess | Stochastic process | Monte-Carlo-Simulation | Monte Carlo simulation | Entwicklungsländer | Developing countries | Welt | World | 2007-2009 |
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