Recommended readings (Machine generated): Richard Blundell, Alan Duncan and Costas Meghir (1998), 'Estimating Labor Supply Responses using Tax Reforms', Econometrica, 66 (4), July, 827-61 -- Sören Blomquist and Whitney Newey (2002), 'Nonparametric Estimation with Nonlinear Budget Sets', Econometrica, 70 (6), November, 2455-80 -- Anil Kumar (2008), 'Labor Supply, Deadweight Loss and Tax Reform -- Austan Goolsbee (2000), 'What Happens When You Tax the Rich? Evidence from Executive Compensation', Journal of Political Economy, 108 (2), April, 352-78 -- Emmanuel Saez (2010), 'Do Taxpayers Bunch at Kink Points?', American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2 (3), August, 180-212 -- Wojciech Kopczuk (2005), 'Tax Bases, Tax Rates and the Elasticity of Reported Income', Journal of Public Economics, 89 (11-12), December, 2093-119 -- Raj Chetty, John N. Friedman and Emmanuel Saez (2013), 'Using Differences in Knowledge Across Neighborhoods to Uncover the Impacts of the EITC on Earnings', American Economic Review, 103 (7), December, 2683-721 -- Jeffrey Grogger (2003), 'The Effects of Time Limits, the EITC, and Other Policy Changes on Welfare Use, Work, and Income among Female-Headed Families', Review of Economics and Statistics, 85 (2), May, 394-408 -- Bruce D. Meyer and Dan T. Rosenbaum (2001), 'Welfare, the Earned Income Tax Credit, and the Labor Supply of Single Mothers', Quarterly Journal of Economics, 116 (3), August, 1063-114 -- Henrik Jacobsen Kleven, Camille Landais and Emmanuel Saez (2013), 'Taxation and International Migration of Superstars: Evidence from the European Football Market', American Economic Review, 103 (5), August, 1892-924 -- Charles L. Ballard and Jaimin Lee (2007), 'Internet Purchases, Cross-Border Shopping, and Sales Taxes', National Tax Journal, LX (4), December, 711-25 -- Austan Goolsbee (2000), 'In a World without Borders: The Impact of Taxes on Internet Commerce', Quarterly Journal of Economics, 115 (2), May, 561-76 -- Zoran Ivković, James Poterba and Scott Weisbenner (2005), 'Tax-Motivated Trading by Individual Investors', American Economic Review, 95 (5), December, 1605-630 -- Julie Berry Cullen and Roger H. Gordon (2007), 'Taxes and Entrepreneurial Risk-Taking: Theory and Evidence for the U.S.', Journal of Public Economics, 91 (7-8), August, 1479-505 -- Åsa Hansson (2012), 'Tax Policy and Entrepreneurship: Empirical Evidence from Sweden', Small Business Economics, 38 (4), May, 495-513 -- Esther Duflo, William Gale, Jeffrey Liebman, Peter Orszag and Emmanuel Saez (2006), 'Saving Incentives for Low- and Middle- Income Families: Evidence from a Field Experiment with H&R Block', Quarterly Journal of Economics, 121 (4), November, 1311-46 -- Alexander M. Gelber (2011), 'How Do 401(k)s Affect Saving? Evidence from Changes in 401(k) Eligibility', American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 3 (4), November, 103-22 -- James Alm and Asmaa El-Ganainy (2013), 'Value-Added Taxation and Consumption', International Tax and Public Finance, 20 (1), February, 105-28 -- David Joulfaian (2000), 'Estate Taxes and Charitable Bequests by the Wealthy', National Tax Journal, LIII (3, Part 2), September, 743-63.