Economic impacts of water scarcity under diverse water salinities
Year of publication: |
March 2016
Authors: | Baum, Zvi ; Palatnik, Ruslana Rachel ; Kan, Iddo ; Rapaport-Rom, Mickey |
Published in: |
Water economics and policy. - Singapore : World Scientific, ISSN 2382-624X, ZDB-ID 2920590-6. - Vol. 2.2016, 1, p. 1-22
Subject: | Salinity | water scarcity | computable general equilibrium | positive mathematical programming | Wasserversorgung | Water supply | Wassermangel | Water scarcity | Allgemeines Gleichgewicht | General equilibrium | Mathematische Optimierung | Mathematical programming | Bewässerung | Irrigation | Theorie | Theory | Wasserpolitik | Water policy | Wasser | Water |
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