Projects to support the development of talented young people in the fields of economics and management are an essential element of the national education policy. Since its establishment in 1936, the D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics has always been a model of an educational institution for highly qualified professionals. Regardless of the changes in in our social and political system, our higher education institution has always regarded our undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral students as a focal point of the scientific and educational process. Project BG05M2OP001-2.009-0026-C01 “Development of the capacity of undergraduates, postgraduate and postdoctoral students and young researchers at the D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics – Svishtov for innovate scientific and applied research in the fields of economics, administration and management” funded under the Operative Programme “Science and education for intelligent growth” is a stark example of a policy focused on investments in human capital. The 16 undergraduate (BSc) and postgraduate (MSc) students selected as a target group for this project received additional specialized training aiming do identify and develop their individual scientific research skills. Under Activity 7 “Dissemination of scientific results, incl. organizing national and international scientific forums” for 21 months a team of scientists and administrators (Prof. Andrei Zahariev, PhD, Head Assist. Prof. Tsvetan Pavlov, PhD, Head Assist. Prof. Dimitar Kostov, PhD, Assist. Prof Zhivko Tordorov, PhD, Assist. Prof. Kaloyan Petkov, PhD, and Insp. Greta Tsanova) carried out a series of activities. The monographic almanac Economics and management: students’ start-up scientific research is the logical conclusion of the project. Each student’s research paper was reviewed, translated, and copy edited. The authors of the main econometric training courses provided guidance at all stages of the scientific research conducted by the target group members