Efficiency and voluntary implementation in markets with repeated pairwise bargaining
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Jackson, Matthew O. |
Other Persons: | Palfrey, Thomas R. (contributor) |
Published in: |
Econometrica : journal of the Econometric Society, an internat. society for the advancement of economic theory in its relation to statistics and mathematics. - [Wechselnde Erscheinungsorte] : [Wechselnde Verlage], ISSN 0012-9682, ZDB-ID 1798-X. - Vol. 66.1998, 6, p. 1353-1388
Subject: | Verhandlungstheorie | Bargaining theory | Spieltheorie | Game theory | Marktmechanismus | Market mechanism | Allokationseffizienz | Allocative efficiency | Theorie | Theory |
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Efficiency and Voluntary Implementation in Markets with Repeated Pairwise Bargaining
Jackson, Matthew O., (1997)
Jackson, Matthew O., (2001)
Efficiency and Voluntary Implementation in Markets with Repeated Pairwise Bargaining
Jackson, Matthew O., (1998)
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