Efficient hedging for equity-linked life insurance contracts with stochastic interest rate
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Melʹnikov, Aleksandr V. ; Tong, Shuo |
Published in: |
Risk and decision analysis. - Amsterdam : IOS Press, ISSN 1569-7371, ZDB-ID 2512630-1. - Vol. 4.2013, 3, p. 207-223
Subject: | Efficient hedging | stochastic interest rate | equity-linked life insurance | risk management | Hedging | Lebensversicherung | Life insurance | Zinsrisiko | Interest rate risk | Risikomanagement | Risk management | Versicherungsmathematik | Actuarial mathematics | Optionspreistheorie | Option pricing theory | Optionsgeschäft | Option trading | Stochastischer Prozess | Stochastic process | Zins | Interest rate | Portfolio-Management | Portfolio selection |
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