El componente local de la informalidad laboral para las diez principales áreas metropolitanas de Colombia, 1988 - 2000
Alternative title: | The local component of labor informality for the ten main metropolitan areas of Colombia 1988 - 2000 The local component of labor informality for the ten main metropolitan areas of Colombia 1988 - 2000 |
Year of publication: |
Authors: | García Cruz, Gustavo Adolfo |
Published in: |
Desarrollo y sociedad. - Bogotá, ISSN 0120-3584, ZDB-ID 777345-6. - Vol. 56.2005, p. 103-146
Subject: | Städtischer Arbeitsmarkt | Urban labour market | Informelle Wirtschaft | Informal economy | Ballungsraum | Metropolitan area | Kolumbien | Colombia | 1988-2000 |
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