Empires of charity : imperial legitimacy and profitable charity in Colonial Spanish America
Year of publication: |
Jul 2018
Authors: | Grafe, Regina |
Published in: |
New global studies. - Berlin : De Gruyter, ISSN 1940-0004, ZDB-ID 2401183-6. - Vol. 12.2018, 2, p. 131-155
Subject: | legitimacy | charity | empire | institutions | sovereignty | race | Wohltätigkeit | Charity | Kolonialismus | Colonialism | Legitimität | Legitimacy | Fundraising | Gemeinnützige Organisation | Charitable organization | Spanien | Spain | Imperialismus | Imperialism | Lateinamerika | Latin America | Souveränität | Sovereignty | Nonprofit-Organisation | Nonprofit organization | Wirtschaftsgeschichte | Economic history |
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