Entrepreneurship Capital - Determinants and Impact on Regional Economic Performance
The literature focusing on the geography of entrepreneurship has developed some-thing of a schizophrenic approach. On the one hand is a series of studies, which have tried to identify characteristics specific to particular regions that account for inter-spatial variations in entrepreneurship. On the other hand is a literature that has ex-amined the impact of entrepreneurship on the economic performance of that region. While the emergence of a statistical link between economic performance and entre-preneurial activity is of considerable interest to both scholars and policy makers alike, it considers the amount of entrepreneurial activity specific to a region as an exogenous endowment. Thus, little guidance is provided as to how policy could ac-tually influence economic performance by generating more entrepreneurial activity...
M13 - Entrepreneurship ; O32 - Management of Technological Innovation and R&D ; O47 - Measurement of Economic Growth; Aggregate Productivity ; Entrepreneurship. Biographies of entrepreneurs ; Management and organisation. Other aspects ; Individual Working Papers, Preprints ; No country specification