Equilibrium existence in two-player contests without absolute continuity of information
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Haimanko, Ori |
Published in: |
Economic theory bulletin. - Cham : Springer Internat. Publ., ISSN 2196-1093, ZDB-ID 2733052-7. - Vol. 10.2022, 1, p. 27-39
Subject: | Absolute continuity of information | Bayesian Nash equilibrium | Continuum of types | Equilibrium existence | Joint density | Tullock contests | Zero-sum games | Nash-Gleichgewicht | Nash equilibrium | Spieltheorie | Game theory | Gleichgewichtstheorie | Equilibrium theory | Gleichgewichtsmodell | Equilibrium model |
Equilibrium existence in two-player contests without absolute continuity of information
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Bayesian Nash equilibrium existence in (almost continuous) contests
Haimanko, Ori, (2021)
Bayesian Nash equilibrium existrence in (almost continuous) contests
Haimanko, Ori, (2020)
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Strong robustness to incomplete information and the uniqueness of a correlated equilibrium
Einy, Ezra, (2022)
Bayesian Nash equilibrium existence in (almost continuous) contests
Haimanko, Ori, (2021)
Generalized Coleman-Shapley indices and total-power monotonicity
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