Estimating semiparametric ARCH (∞) models by Kernel smoothing methods
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Linton, Oliver ; Mammen, Enno |
Published in: |
Econometrica : journal of the Econometric Society, an internat. society for the advancement of economic theory in its relation to statistics and mathematics. - [Wechselnde Erscheinungsorte] : [Wechselnde Verlage], ISSN 0012-9682, ZDB-ID 1798-X. - Vol. 73.2005, 3, p. 771-836
Subject: | ARCH-Modell | ARCH model | Nichtparametrisches Verfahren | Nonparametric statistics | Core | Theorie | Theory |
Estimating semiparametric arch (∞) models by kernel smoothing methods
Linton, Oliver, (2003)
Estimating semiparametric ARCH models by kernel smoothing methods
Mammen, Enno, (2004)
Applied time series econometrics
Lütkepohl, Helmut, (2004)
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Estimating semiparametric ARCH models by kernel smoothing methods
Linton, Oliver, (2004)
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