Evolutia relatiilor ruso-americane din perspectiva dezbaterii multilateralism/ unilateralism/ The Evolutioan of the Russian-American Relations from the Multilateralism/Unilateralism Perspective (Romanian Version)
In speeches on international relations, we were used to use more cliches: when we talk about the international system we use, even after the Cold War, the terms of unipolar, bipolar, multipolarity. Is it just a habit or a reality? However, the Cold War ended, and the cliches have remained in the memory of foreign countries that have used them. They tend to make a transfer from one category to another, varying, most often between multilateralism very in vogue today among young actors of the international system and unilateralism very contained, officially, but which is the main action instrument for achieving foreign policy goals of large players in particular. No. pg. 86
Other Persons: | GRAMADA, Angela (contributor) |
Institutions: | Editura Lumen, Department of Economics |
Subject: | Russian-American Relations | Multilateralism/Unilateralism | international relations |
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