Forecasting volatility and spillovers in crude oil spot, forward and future markets
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Chang, C-L. ; McAleer, M.J. ; Tansuchat, R. |
Institutions: | Erasmus University Rotterdam, Econometric Institute |
Subject: | volatility spillovers | multivariate GARCH | conditional correlations | crude oil spot prices | spot returns | forward returns | futures returns |
Extent: | application/pdf |
Series: | Econometric Institute Report. - ISSN 1566-7294. |
Type of publication: | Book / Working Paper |
Notes: | The text is part of a series RePEc:dgr:eureir Number EI 2009-12 |
Source: |
Forecasting volatility and spillovers in crude oil spot, forward and future markets
Chang, Chia-Lin, (2009)
Chang, Chia-Lin, (2010)
Chang, C., (2010)
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