Forthcoming accession: an outline of impacts in the sphere of regional development and regional policy in the Czech Republic
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Blažek, Jiří |
Published in: |
European spatial research and policy : interdisciplinary studies on environment, society and economy. - Łódź : Łódź University Press, ISSN 1231-1952, ZDB-ID 1304891-0. - Vol. 10.2003, 1, p. 27-47
Subject: | Regionalentwicklung | Regional development | Regionalpolitik | Regional policy | Europäische Integration | European integration | EU-Mitgliedschaft | EU membership | Tschechien | Czech Republic |
Česká regionální politika v období vstupu do Evropské Unie
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Kvĕtoň, Viktor, (2020)
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