Frontiers: can an artificial intelligence algorithm mitigate racial economic inequality? : an analysis in the context of Airbnb
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Zhang, Shunyuan ; Mehta, Nitin ; Singh, Param Vir ; Srinivasan, Kannan |
Published in: |
Marketing science. - Catonsville, MD : INFORMS, ISSN 0732-2399, ZDB-ID 883054-X. - Vol. 40.2021, 5, p. 813-820
Subject: | pricing algorithm | artificial intelligence | mitigating racial disparity | economic gap | sharing economy | Airbnb | algorithm adoption | Künstliche Intelligenz | Artificial intelligence | Algorithmus | Algorithm | Ethnische Diskriminierung | Ethnic discrimination | Share Economy | Sharing economy |
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