Funding liquidity constraints and the forward premium anomaly in a DSGE model
Year of publication: |
September 2015
Authors: | Chu, Shiou-Yen |
Published in: |
International review of economics & finance : IREF. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, ISSN 1059-0560, ZDB-ID 1137476-7. - Vol. 39.2015, p. 76-89
Subject: | Carry trade | Collateralized loan | Nominal rigidities | Liquiditätsbeschränkung | Liquidity constraint | Dynamisches Gleichgewicht | Dynamic equilibrium | Währungsspekulation | Currency speculation | Kreditsicherung | Collateral | Theorie | Theory | Zinsparität | Interest rate parity | Wechselkurs | Exchange rate | Schock | Shock | Risikoprämie | Risk premium | DSGE-Modell | DSGE model |
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