The study is conducted involving 58 randomly selected Job Order/ Contractual Employees at the Central Luzon State University. The study focused on The study aims to investigate the Gender-Based Work-Related Opportunities of Job Contract Employees at the Central Luzon State University, Philippines Under Pandemic (COVID-19) Conditions. The 58 job order/ contractual employees who served as respondents of the study were randomly selected among the pool of job order employees at the Central Luzon State University. The respondents were comprised of 31 (53.4%) females, the majority (58.6%) belonging to the age bracket of 15-24 years old. Most respondents are single (79%) while education-wise, the majority are college graduates (89.70). Classified accordingly to their assigned jobs, namely: Academic, Technical/ Research, Administrative/ Clerical, Creative/ Consultancy, Support/ Janitorial/ Utility/ Messenger, majority are assigned to administrative/ clerical job (43.90%).The common salary rate most are receiving is about PhP 10,972.00 for the exact amount while the highest at PHP 24, 940.00. Most of the respondents have no eligibilities (62.10%). Monetary factors yielded as the major employment consideration of the respondents for considering their current job set up, not necessarily that the compensation is outstanding but with further reasoning that their current job is better considering the tough competition for getting employed further substantiated for the need to immediately provide for the family. Meanwhile, the presence of consideration such as the opportunities to use skills and abilities, meaningfulness of the job, comfortable and safe environment and relationship with co-workers validates that these factors are present at their current job arrangement making them accepts their current employment status minus the job security of tenure. For the leadership style desired for a supervisor, preference for a democratic leader still tops the list. Accordingly presented on the level of significance noted, the belief that a particular gender has its advantage and disadvantage in terms of employment surfaced to highly associated with the sex of the respondents with the male respondents tilted on the highly agree to agree on the scale while female tends to disagree. Meanwhile, on the statement that employment and job opportunities in the Philippines area gender-neutral placed second among the perception to be influenced by gender with the male respondents tend to agree more than the female respondents. Subsequently followed with the perception that gender is widely used and consciously used to exploit opportunities and on the job benefits with more male respondents agreed than the female respondents. The fourth perception associated with the sex of the respondents is the belief that fair opportunities in employment exist regardless of gender tends to be associated with gender, with more males tend to disagree with this statement while the female respondents' spectrum of responses tilts more in agreement on the scale. Meanwhile, gender and employability were viewed to be gender-neutral along with the other perceptions such as talents and skills are gender-based, gender dictates the success rate in career, gender dictates merits and promotions, and gender dictates rates and benefits and access to employment privileges are gender-based