General Bayesian time-varying parameter vector autoregressions for modeling government bond yields
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Fischer, Manfred M. ; Hauzenberger, Niko ; Huber, Florian ; Huber, Florian |
Published in: |
Journal of applied econometrics. - Chichester [u.a.] : Wiley, ISSN 1099-1255, ZDB-ID 1500458-2. - Vol. 38.2023, 1, p. 69-87
Subject: | Bayesian shrinkage | interest rate forecasting | latent effect modifiers | MCMC sampling | Bayes-Statistik | Bayesian inference | VAR-Modell | VAR model | Zinsstruktur | Yield curve | Zins | Interest rate | Theorie | Theory | Markov-Kette | Markov chain | Prognoseverfahren | Forecasting model | Monte-Carlo-Simulation | Monte Carlo simulation | Öffentliche Anleihe | Public bond | Stichprobenerhebung | Sampling |
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General Bayesian time-varying parameter VARs for modeling government bond yields
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