Genetic learning as an explanation of stylized facts of foreign exchange markets
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Lux, Thomas ; Schornstein, Sascha |
Published in: |
Journal of mathematical economics. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, ISSN 0304-4068, ZDB-ID 217625-7. - Vol. 41.2005, 1/2, p. 169-196
Subject: | Genetische Algorithmen | Wechselkurs | Exchange rate | Volatilität | Volatility | Monetäre Wechselkurstheorie | Monetary approach to exchange rates | Overlapping Generations | Overlapping generations | Zwei-Länder-Modell | Two-country model | Lernprozess | Learning process | Heuristik | Heuristics | Zeitreihenanalyse | Time series analysis | Theorie | Theory |
Genetic learning as an explanation of stylized facts of foreign exchange markets
Lux, Thomas, (2003)
Genetic learning as an explanation of stylized facts of foreign exchange markets
Lux, Thomas, (2002)
Genetic learning as an explanation of stylized facts of foreign exchange markets
Lux, Thomas, (2002)
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Genetic learning as an explanation of stylized facts of foreign exchange markets
Lux, Thomas, (2002)
Genetic learning as an explanation of stylized facts of foreign exchange markets
Lux, Thomas, (2003)
Genetic learning as an explanation of stylized facts of foreign exchange markets
Lux, Thomas, (2003)
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