John Law und die Aristokratie während der Regentschaft : eine Deutung seines "Systems"
Klaveren, Jacob van, (1960)
Money as a social bookkeeping device : from mercantilism to General Equilibrium theory
Spahn, Peter, (2007)
The currency of empire : money and power in seventeenth-century English America
Barth, Jonathan, (2021)
Business, banking, and economic thought in late medieval and early modern Europe : selected studies
De Roover, Raymond, (1974)
Money, banking and credit in mediaeval Bruges : Italian merchant-bankers, lombards and money-changers ; a study in the origins of banking
De Roover, Raymond, (1948)
La pensée économique des scolastiques doctrines et méthodes
De Roover, Raymond, (1971)