How does the market value management practices of Japanese firms? : using management practice survey data
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Kawakami, Atsushi ; Asaba, Shigeru |
Published in: |
Intangibles, market failure and innovation performance. - Cham : Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-07532-7. - 2015, p. 193-216
Subject: | Management | Marktwert | Market value | Unternehmensbewertung | Firm valuation | Immaterielle Werte | Intangible assets | Tobins Q | Tobin's Q | Dekompositionsverfahren | Decomposition method | Schätzung | Estimation | Japan | 2005-2010 |
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How does the market value management practices? : decomposition of intangible assets
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