Industrial clustering and global value chains in Central and Eastern Europe : role of multinational enterprises in industrial upgrading
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Akbar, Yusaf H. ; Ferenčíková, Soňa |
Published in: |
Prague economic papers : a bimonthly journal of economic theory and policy. - Prague : Oeconomica Publ., ISSN 1210-0455, ZDB-ID 1112445-3. - Vol. 16.2007, 3, p. 237-251
Subject: | Multinationales Unternehmen | Transnational corporation | Auslandsinvestition | Foreign investment | Betriebliche Wertschöpfung | Value creation | Lieferantenmanagement | Supplier relationship management | Clusteranalyse | Cluster analysis | Systemtransformation | Economic transition | Osteuropa | Eastern Europe |
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