Inference for income mobility measures in the presence of spatial dependence
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Authors: | Kang, Wei ; Rey, Sergio J. |
Published in: |
International regional science review : IRSR ; an international forum for economists, geographers, planners and other social scientists. - London [u.a.] : Sage, ISSN 1552-6925, ZDB-ID 2011485-0. - Vol. 43.2020, 1/2, p. 10-39
Subject: | income mobility | spatial dependence | statistical inference | Monte Carlo | Markov chains | Soziale Mobilität | Social mobility | Theorie | Theory | Einkommensverteilung | Income distribution | Induktive Statistik | Statistical inference | Markov-Kette | Markov chain | Monte-Carlo-Simulation | Monte Carlo simulation | Räumliche Interaktion | Spatial interaction | Schätzung | Estimation | Messung | Measurement |
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