Inference in the nonparametric stochastic frontier model
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Parmeter, Christopher F. ; Simar, Léopold ; Van Keilegom, Ingrid ; Zelenyuk, Valentin |
Published in: |
Econometric reviews. - Philadelphia, Pa. : Taylor & Francis, ISSN 1532-4168, ZDB-ID 2041746-9. - Vol. 43.2024, 7, p. 518-539
Subject: | Efficiency | local-polynomial least-squares | productivity analysis | simulation | stochastic frontier analysis | Technische Effizienz | Technical efficiency | Nichtparametrisches Verfahren | Nonparametric statistics | Theorie | Theory | Simulation | Produktionsfunktion | Production function | Produktivität | Productivity | Effizienz | Stochastischer Prozess | Stochastic process | Data-Envelopment-Analyse | Data envelopment analysis |
Inference in the nonparametric stochastic frontier model
Parameter, Christopher F., (2021)
Nonparametric least squares methods for stochastic frontier models
Simar, Léopold, (2014)
Nonparametric least squares methods for stochastic frontier models
Simar, Léopold, (2017)
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Nonparametric least squares methods for stochastic frontier models
Simar, Léopold, (2017)
Nonparametric least squares methods for stochastic frontier models
Simar, Léopold, (2014)
Inference in the nonparametric stochastic frontier model
Parameter, Christopher F., (2021)
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