Integrated modified OLS estimation and fixed-b inference for cointegrating multivariate polynomial regressions
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Vogelsang, Timothy J. ; Wagner, Martin |
Publisher: |
Wien : Institut für Höhere Studien - Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) |
Subject: | Cointegration | fixed-b asymptotics | IM-OLS | multivariate polynomials | nonlinearity | RESET | Kointegration | Kleinste-Quadrate-Methode | Least squares method | Zeitreihenanalyse | Time series analysis | Schätztheorie | Estimation theory | Multivariate Analyse | Multivariate analysis | Regressionsanalyse | Regression analysis |
Extent: | 1 Online-Ressource (circa 37 Seiten) Illustrationen |
Series: | IHS working paper. - Vienna : Institut für Höhere Studien, ISSN 2706-6878, ZDB-ID 2968533-3. - Vol. 53 (April 2024) |
Type of publication: | Book / Working Paper |
Type of publication (narrower categories): | Graue Literatur ; Non-commercial literature ; Arbeitspapier ; Working Paper |
Language: | English |
Other identifiers: | hdl:10419/290890 [Handle] |
Classification: | C12 - Hypothesis Testing ; C13 - Estimation ; C32 - Time-Series Models |
Source: | ECONIS - Online Catalogue of the ZBW |
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