The content of this study comprises pluri /inter/ trans /co /cross-disciplinarily challenge and approaches and a consequent open invitation addressed to the worldwide scientific community to receive all these associable nuclei of knowledge (as entitled), to meditate/analyze, and to decide if the co-participation to the represented here enlarging/new subdomain(s) efforts would be a possible next step within the next horizon of the specific research topics from/between/beyond the contemporary Sciences. So, regarding the understanding and explanation for the Knowledge Society alongside to these efforts, the co-authors affirm and focalize upon a subdomain of an enlarged intersection between the Generosity – Creativity – Solidarity Triad and the dual merging construct: Knowledge Based Eco/Bio-Economy and Digital Business Eco/Bio-systems. This enlarging subdomain efforts belong to the Generosity – Creativity – Solidarity Consortium - as a 2008-2012 active interdisciplinary presence - and is connected to the homonymous project G_C_S KBEBE & DBEBS. There is a beneficed impact within the contemporary problems related to the contemporary Sciences. Now, the entire team of the project (at this stage - 14 - university, NGO and academic partners from UK, Ireland, The Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Philippines and Romania) will focalize the research according to the openness of the international scientific community toward the multi-thematic domain of the Knowledge-Based Eco/Bio-Economy (KBEBE) versus the increasing potential of the Digital Business Eco/Bio-systems (DBEBS), from the and on the broader issues of the UN Millennium Goal and of the Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs: Europe 2020. This affirmation is justified, at least, through the presence of the GCS Consortium as a co-organizer of the three editions of the Interdisciplinary, International and Academic Summer School (i.e. July 2009, 2010 and 2011, Romania), and the three (co-)authorship studies (published at the ISI level 2009/2010) on the main and correlated topics of just this study and project. So, these are the front stage open lines of the invitation addressed to the worldwide scientific community. There are parallel focalizations on: preservation of biodiversity (based on Bioethics), and climate change limitation (based on Eco/Bio-Economy). This study proposes a synergic focalizations on BOTH: preservation of biodiversity within a Sustainable Development re-conceptualization, and climate change limitation within a Computer Science-Informatics-Automatic Systems new praxis.- centred on the Exergy from the Agrifood Green Power. As an intended integrated project, it deals with the conceptual representation and solutioning of the joined problems of both: preservation of biodiversity and climate change limitation. It would take an increased stage through the proposed Interactive Modelling Analysis and an amount of constrains - regarding the expected synergy between the Rural Ecoeconomy and Bioethics, and respectively Complexity Science and Large Scale Systems. This study, so - intended as an integrated project - deals with the conceptual representation and solutioning of the joined problems of both: preservation of biodiversity and climate change limitation; it would take an increased stage and amount of obvious constrains, subtle limitations and (contemporary) paradoxes; i.e. a subtleness innovative involvement beyond systemic probability/statistics relevance and fuzziness appearance. The paragraph 7 elicits two images-metaphors regarding the principal entities addressed by this study: contemporary Sciences - and for the local, here, image-metaphor: contemporary Management, Marketing and Finances [as an open-impressive co-nucleus of the contemporary Sciences], the social / societal, psychological and philosophical understanding and explanation for the Knowledge Society, and a subdomain of an enlarged intersection between the Generosity – Creativity – Solidarity Triad and the dual merging construct: Knowledge Based Eco/Bio-Economy and Digital Business Eco/Bio-systems. So, paragraph 7 (through its two imagesmetaphors) is a turning point of this study around the project G_C_S KBEBE & DBEBS. The successive paragraphs (starting with the 8th) introduce their proper constructs as 'beyond' the elicited two images-metaphors - as more direct proves toward the implementation efforts regarding the acting project G_C_S KBEBE & DBEBS. The initial research pool of this study comprising mostly pluri /inter/ co -disciplinarily challenge and approaches was generously hosted by the Center for Agroforestry Biodiversity Study and Research 'Academician David Davidescu' from the Romanian Academy, National Institute for Economical Research. There are the high international co-operation events, that researchers from Poland and Germany are taken imporatant parts of this study, as it is shown in the following lines. Within the same 'beyond' intellectual and praxis strategy, the paragraph 15 presents the description of the cyber–physical systems accepted in common by all the co-authors. But, originally, from the point of view of the Polish co-authors - as system designers, it is merely a matter of the presentation layer of any system. However, a good presentation layer of any system may be very helpful for the system designers and, even more important, for the system users and, therefore, the cyber–physical system aspects are worthwhile some detailed analysis. In particular, such analysis should be done for the probably most important and beneficial applications of cyber–physical systems, i.e. those in the power industry. Within the same 'beyond' intellectual and praxis strategy, the paragraph 16 presents the description of the complex natural, biological, social and cultural systems accepted in common by all the co-authors. But, originally, from the point of view of the German co-authors - also as system designers, it is merely a matter of the presentation of the COBAWU-Complexity definitions and methodology, performing a first approximate analysis of FOOD SUPPLY as a natural, biological, social and cultural phenomenon. These definitions are included in a dynamic process and they change as the theory developed by Andrés Ginestet changes. Complexity is based on dynamics, and the response needs to follow the dynamics of complexity itself. A short version of the complexity definition is the following: Environmental complexity is any portion of organized information in any state that is required to fulfill survival conditions for human complexity (C1 C2 C3). Absolute complexity (C1) is any defined portion of organized information in an inert state. Relative complexity (C2) is any dynamic communication (communicative exchange) of a defined portion of information. Contingent complexity (C3) is any dynamic multiverse possibility of any transformation of any absolute information that has (had) a relative quality to it