Kinship and friendship in a trust game with third party punishment
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Vollan, Björn |
Institutions: | Volkswirtschaft Abteilung, Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften |
Subject: | Trust | field experiment | third party punishment | kinship | friendship |
Kinship and frindship in a trust game with third party punishment
Vollan, Björn, (2008)
You are who your friends are: An experiment on trust and homophily in friendship networks
Kataria, Mitesh, (2013)
You are who your friends are : an experiment on trust and homophily in friendship networks
Kataria, Mitesh, (2013)
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Hayo, Bernd, (2009)
Gobien, Simone, (2013)
Landmann, Andreas, (2011)
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