Manipulating an aggregation rule under ordinally fuzzy preferences
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Duddy, Conal ; Perote-Peña, Juan ; Piggins, Ashley |
Published in: |
Social choice and welfare. - Berlin : Springer, ISSN 0176-1714, ZDB-ID 855101-7. - Vol. 34.2010, 3, p. 411-428
Subject: | Soziale Wohlfahrtsfunktion | Social welfare function | Fuzzy-Set-Theorie | Fuzzy sets | Unmöglichkeitstheorem | Impossibility theorem | Theorie | Theory |
Chapter Twenty. Social Choice with Fuzzy Preferences
Richard, Barrett, (2011)
Social choice under fuzziness: a perspective
Nurmi, Hannu, (2000)
Social choice, fuzzy preferences and manipulations
Perote-Peña, Juan, (2009)
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Manipulating an aggregation rule under ordinally fuzzy preferences
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Manipulating an aggregation rule under ordinally fuzzy preferences
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