Mapping conditional scenarios for knowledge structuring in (tail) dependence elicitation
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Werner, Christoph ; Bedford, Tim ; Quigley, John |
Published in: |
Journal of the Operational Research Society. - London : Taylor and Francis, ISSN 1476-9360, ZDB-ID 2007775-0. - Vol. 72.2021, 4, p. 889-907
Subject: | cognitive mapping | dependence modelling | stochastic systems | structured expert judgement | Uncertainty modelling | Theorie | Theory | Stochastischer Prozess | Stochastic process | Entscheidung unter Unsicherheit | Decision under uncertainty | Prognoseverfahren | Forecasting model | Statistische Verteilung | Statistical distribution | Kognition | Cognition | Multivariate Verteilung | Multivariate distribution |
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