Modeling extreme events: time-varying extreme tail shape
Year of publication: |
December 2020
Authors: | Schwaab, Bernd ; Zhang, Xin ; Lucas, André |
Publisher: |
Stockholm : Sveriges Riksbank |
Subject: | dynamic tail risk | observation-driven models | extreme value theory | European Central Bank (ECB) | Securities Markets Programme (SMP) | Ausreißer | Outliers | Statistische Verteilung | Statistical distribution | Risikomaß | Risk measure | EU-Staaten | EU countries | Zentralbank | Central bank | Eurozone | Euro area | Schätzung | Estimation |
Extent: | 1 Online-Ressource (circa 51 Seiten) Illustrationen |
Series: | Sveriges Riksbank working paper series. - Stockholm : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar], ZDB-ID 2235780-4. - Vol. 399 |
Type of publication: | Book / Working Paper |
Type of publication (narrower categories): | Graue Literatur ; Non-commercial literature ; Arbeitspapier ; Working Paper |
Language: | English |
Other identifiers: | hdl:10419/232602 [Handle] |
Classification: | C22 - Time-Series Models ; G11 - Portfolio Choice |
Source: | ECONIS - Online Catalogue of the ZBW |
Modeling extreme events : timevarying extreme tail shape
Schwaab, Bernd, (2020)
Modeling extreme events : time-varying extreme tail shape
Schwaab, Bernd, (2021)
D'Innocenzo, Enzo, (2025)
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