Models for longitudinal data with censored changepoints
In longitudinal studies of biological markers, different individuals may have different underlying patterns of response. In some applications, a subset of individuals experiences latent events, causing an instantaneous change in the level or slope of the marker trajectory. The paper presents a general mixture of hierarchical longitudinal models for serial biomarkers. Interest centres both on the time of the event and on levels of the biomarker before and after the event. In observational studies where marker series are incomplete, the latent event can be modelled by a survival distribution. Risk factors for the occurrence of the event can be investigated by including covariates in the survival distribution. A combination of Gibbs, Metropolis-Hastings and reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling is used to fit the models to serial measurements of forced expiratory volume from lung transplant recipients. Copyright 2004 Royal Statistical Society.
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Jackson, Christopher H. ; Sharples, Linda D. |
Published in: |
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C. - Royal Statistical Society - RSS, ISSN 0035-9254. - Vol. 53.2004, 1, p. 149-162
Publisher: |
Royal Statistical Society - RSS |
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