Monte Carlo methods in econometrics: a package for the stochastic simulation
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Bianchi, Carlo ; Calzolari, Giorgio ; Corsi, Paolo |
Institutions: | Volkswirtschaftliche Fakultät, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München |
Subject: | Monte Carlo | econometric models | stochastic simulation |
Forecast variance in simultaneous equation models: analytic and Monte Carlo methods
Bianchi, Carlo, (1987)
Stochastic simulation: a package for Monte Carlo experiments on econometric models
Bianchi, Carlo, (1978)
Stochastic simulation and dynamic properties of the new version of the Italian model
Bianchi, Carlo, (1978)
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Some results on the stochastic simulation of a nonlinear model of the Italian economy
Bianchi, Carlo, (1979)
Bianchi, Carlo, (1976)
Interactive management of time series
Bianchi, Carlo, (1974)
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