Mr. Ricardo's Great Adventure; Estimating Fiscal Multipliers in a Truly Intertemporal Model
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Sgherri, Silvia ; Bayoumi, Tamim |
Institutions: | International Monetary Fund (IMF) |
Subject: | Discount rates | Income | Interest rates | Taxes | equation | fiscal policy | instrumental variables | fiscal multipliers | tax cut | government spending | tax cuts | budget constraint | random walk | probability | fiscal contractions | equations | fiscal consolidation | tax changes | time series | tax increases | instrumental variable | independent variables | tax rates | tax policy | budget deficit | standard deviations | tax base | significance level | expansionary fiscal contractions | fiscal policy on consumption | statistics | fiscal model | vector autoregression | logarithm | correlation | expansionary fiscal | predictions | general equilibrium models | general equilibrium ? models | aggregate demand | tax reform | general equilibrium model | fiscal policies | tax wedge | fiscal consolidations |
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