Der Konkordatsprozess
Giese, Friedrich, (1957)
The origin of Russian communism
Berdjaev, Nikolaj, (1937)
Schule und Reichskonkordat ; Folge 1
Fischer, Albert, (1955)
History on the Luapula : an essay on the historical notions of a Central African tribe
Cunnison, Ian, (1951)
King Kazembe and the Marave, Cheva, Bisa, Bemba, Lunda, and other peoples of Southern Africa : being the diary of the Portuguese expedition to that potentate in the years 1831 and 1832
Gamitto, António Cândido Pedroso, (1960)
King Kazembe and the Marave, Cheva, Bisa, Bemba, Lunda, and other peoples of Southern Africa ; 1