Non-monotonic hazard functions and the autoregressive conditional duration model
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Grammig, Joachim ; Maurer, Kai-Oliver |
Published in: |
The econometrics journal. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, ISSN 1368-4221, ZDB-ID 1412265-0. - Vol. 3.2000, 1, p. 16-38
Subject: | Mikroökonometrie | Microeconometrics | ARCH-Modell | ARCH model | Dauer | Duration | Marktmikrostruktur | Market microstructure | Aktienmarkt | Stock market | Schätzung | Estimation | Theorie | Theory | Deutschland | Germany |
Non-monotonic hazard functions and the autoregressive conditional duration model
Grammig, Joachim, (1999)
Determinants of inter-trade durations and hazard rates using proportional hazard ARMA models
Gerhard, Frank, (2000)
Econometric analysis of financial transaction data : Pitfalls and opportunities
Hautsch, Nikolaus, (2002)
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Non-monotonic hazard functions and the autoregressive conditional duration model
Ökonometrische Modellierung von Transaktionsintensitäten auf Finanzmärkten
Grammig, Joachim, (1998)
Non-monotonic hazard functions and the autoregressive conditional duration model
Grammig, Joachim, (1999)
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