Novel formulations and logic-based benders decomposition for the integrated parallel machine scheduling and location problem
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Authors: | Li, Yantong ; Côté, Jean-François ; Coelho, Leandro C. ; Wu, Peng |
Published in: |
INFORMS journal on computing : JOC ; charting new directions in operations research and computer science ; a journal of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences. - Linthicum, Md. : INFORMS, ISSN 1526-5528, ZDB-ID 2004082-9. - Vol. 34.2022, 2, p. 1048-1069
Subject: | combinatorial Benders cut | logic-based Benders decomposition | MILP | optimality cut | ScheLoc | Dekompositionsverfahren | Decomposition method | Scheduling-Verfahren | Scheduling problem | Theorie | Theory | Mathematische Optimierung | Mathematical programming | Ganzzahlige Optimierung | Integer programming |
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