Now to Design Nighly Informative and Cost-Efficient Industrial Experimemts
Quality has to be built into products and processes during the design stage of their development. It is therefore crucial that any decision made in this early stage of development is based on accurate information. The information is typically obtained from a series of expermental tests, in which the effect of one or more factors on the quality of the product or process is investigated. The settings used for each of the experimental factors at every test run are crucial for the reliability of the information provided by the experiment. In the paper, it is shown how to compute the best factor settings for all industrial experiment. The split-plot type of experiment considered in the paper not only has the advantage that it is easy to carry out, but it has excellent statistical properties as well.
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Goos, P. ; Vandebroek, M. |
Published in: |
Review of Business and Economics. - Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen. - Vol. XLVII.2002, 4, p. 537-556
Publisher: |
Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen |
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