On determinacy and learnability in a new Keynesian model with unemployment
Year of publication: |
December 2016
Authors: | Tesfaselassie, Mewael F. ; Schaling, Eric |
Published in: |
The South African journal of economics. - Oxford [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell, ISSN 0038-2280, ZDB-ID 281249-6. - Vol. 84.2016, 4, p. 607-623
Subject: | Monetary policy rules | determinacy | learning | E-stability | Neoklassische Synthese | Neoclassical synthesis | Geldpolitik | Monetary policy | Theorie | Theory | Lernprozess | Learning process | Arbeitslosigkeit | Unemployment | Rationale Erwartung | Rational expectations | Taylor-Regel | Taylor rule | Regelbindung versus Diskretion | Rules versus discretion | Phillips-Kurve | Phillips curve | Lohnrigidität | Wage rigidity |
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On determinacy and learnability in a New Keynesian model with unemployment
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