Optimal budgetary policies in New-Keynesian models : can they help when the zero lower bound is binding?
Year of publication: |
December 2016
Authors: | Menguy, Séverine |
Published in: |
Bulletin of applied economics. - Christchurch, New Zealand : Scientific Press International Limited, ISSN 2056-3728, ZDB-ID 2818826-3. - Vol. 3.2016, 2, p. 43-98
Subject: | New-Keynesian models | budgetary policy | monetary policy | Zero Lower Bound | monetary union | Niedrigzinspolitik | Low-interest-rate policy | Geldpolitik | Monetary policy | Neoklassische Synthese | Neoclassical synthesis | Finanzpolitik | Fiscal policy | Theorie | Theory | Währungsunion | Monetary union | Zinspolitik | Interest rate policy |
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