Optimal liquidation in a limit order book for a risk-averse investor
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Løkka, Arne |
Published in: |
Mathematical finance : an international journal of mathematics, statistics and financial theory. - Malden, Mass. [u.a] : Wiley-Blackwell, ISSN 0960-1627, ZDB-ID 1073194-5. - Vol. 24.2014, 4, p. 696-727
Subject: | limit order book | optimal liquidation | optimal execution | CARA utility | singular control | discontinuous intervention boundary | Theorie | Theory | Wertpapierhandel | Securities trading | Portfolio-Management | Portfolio selection | Marktmikrostruktur | Market microstructure | Risikoaversion | Risk aversion | Liquidität | Liquidity | Geld-Brief-Spanne | Bid-ask spread | Marktliquidität | Market liquidity | Anlageverhalten | Behavioural finance |
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