OTC Derivatives: Impacts of Regulatory Changes in the Non-Financial Sector
In the aftermath of the 2007-2008 global financial crisis, a series of measures has been proposed to regulate the OTC derivatives market. The motivation is to increase the disclosure of the OTC operations aiming to decrease the probability of crisis. The main objective of this paper is to investigate how regulatory changes in the OTC derivatives market affect the non-financial sector. The Brazilian FX derivatives market provides a natural experiment for the issue: in 2011 the Brazilian government taxed short positions in FX derivatives to reduce the carry trade that was causing the local currency to appreciate. Although Chamon and Garcia (2013) find that this policy helped reduce the incentives to perform carry trade strategies, it could have unintended consequences on other markets. For example, if the banks pass through the extra cost to its clients, this taxation may affect the FX hedges of non-financial firms. This paper investigates whether and how much of the increase in the cost of OTC derivatives is transferred to the non-financial sector. The results indicate that this cost more than doubled for companies exposed to devaluation of the local currency (for instance, importers). Albeit a thorough welfare analysis is beyond the scope of this paper, the findings suggest that this cost increase may be a concern to the extent that it could prevent EMEs firms from hedging their FX positions, as the NDF quotation of some EMEs is high due to the interest rate differentials
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Araujo, Gustavo Silva ; Leão, Sérgio |
Institutions: | Central Bank of Brazil, Research Department |
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