Overconfidence, misjudgment, and entry in experimental entrepreneurial markets : evidence from Panama
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Rotondi, Valentina |
Published in: |
Entrepreneurship and regional development : an international journal. - London [u.a.] : Taylor & Francis, ISSN 1464-5114, ZDB-ID 1480705-1. - Vol. 36.2024, 5/6, p. 816-832
Subject: | behavioral economics | development | entrepreneurship | institutions | lab-in-the-field experiment | Overconfidence | Verhaltensökonomik | Behavioral economics | Entrepreneurship | Entrepreneurship approach | Experiment | Unternehmensgründung | Business start-up | Panama | Vertrauen | Confidence | Markteintritt | Market entry | Persönlichkeitspsychologie | Personality psychology |
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