Potential effects of emission taxes on CO2 emissions in the OECD and LDCs
A set of existing optimization models, which represent the energy systems of the OECD and LDCs (less developed countries excluding centrally planned economies) with a time horizon to 2020, has been applied to derive first-order estimates of the techno-economic potential for emission reduction. The driving force for the introduction of reduction measures is a scheme of taxes levied on the emission of six pollutants, including the greenhouse gases CO2 and methane. The tax levels introduced are based on taxes discussed by the Swedish government: they are the break-even point to test which measures are cost-effective and which emission levels can be reached at these costs.
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Messner, Sabine ; Strubegger, Manfred |
Published in: |
Energy. - Elsevier, ISSN 0360-5442. - Vol. 16.1991, 11, p. 1379-1395
Publisher: |
Elsevier |
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