Predicting the event and time horizon of bankruptcy using financial ratios and the maturity schedule of long-term debt
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Philosophov, Leonid V. ; Batten, Jonathan A. ; Philosophov, Vladimir L. |
Published in: |
Mathematics and financial economics. - Berlin : Springer, ISSN 1862-9679, ZDB-ID 2389728-4. - Vol. 1.2008, 3/4, p. 181-212
Subject: | Insolvenz | Insolvency | Prognoseverfahren | Forecasting model | Verbindlichkeiten | Corporate debt | Fälligkeit | Maturity | Betriebliche Kennzahl | Financial ratio | Bayes-Statistik | Bayesian inference | Theorie | Theory | Schätzung | Estimation | USA | United States | 1997-2002 |
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