Price level versus inflation targeting under heterogeneous expectations : a laboratory experiment
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Hommes, Cars H. ; Makarewicz, Tomasz |
Published in: |
Journal of economic behavior & organization : JEBO. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, ISSN 0167-2681, ZDB-ID 864321-0. - Vol. 182.2021, p. 39-82
Subject: | Expectations and learning | Experimental macroeconomics | Monetary policy | Geldpolitik | Experiment | Inflationssteuerung | Inflation targeting | Theorie | Theory | Lernprozess | Learning process | Erwartungsbildung | Expectation formation | Preisniveau | Price level | Rationale Erwartung | Rational expectations | Inflationserwartung | Inflation expectations |
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