Price negotiation between supplier and buyer under uncertainty with fixed demand and elastic demand
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Zheng, Shiyuan ; Negenborn, Rudy R. |
Published in: |
International journal of production economics. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, ISSN 0925-5273, ZDB-ID 1092526-0. - Vol. 167.2015, p. 35-44
Subject: | Supply chain management | Generalized Nash Bargaining model | Uncertainty | Real options | Elastic demand | Lieferkette | Supply chain | Nachfrage | Demand | Lieferantenmanagement | Supplier relationship management | Realoptionsansatz | Real options analysis | Preiselastizität | Price elasticity | Risiko | Risk | Verhandlungstheorie | Bargaining theory |
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