Problemnye aspekty tamožennogo regulirovanija vzaimnoj torgovli v integracionnych obʺedinenijach s učastiem Respubliki Belarusʹ
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Mackevič, Vadim V. |
Published in: |
Belorusskij ėkonomičeskij žurnal : ežekvartalʹnyj naučno-praktičeskij žurnal. - Minsk, ISSN 1818-4510, ZDB-ID 1450149-1. - 2012, 1, p. 97-102
Subject: | Wirtschaftsintegration | Economic integration | Zollunion | Customs union | Freihandelsabkommen | Free trade agreement | GUS-Staaten | CIS countries | Zollpolitik | Tariff policy | Belarus |
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Mackevič, Vadim V., (2004)
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