Pure or wake-up-call contagion? : another look at the EMU sovereign debt crisis
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Giordano, Raffaela ; Pericoli, Marcello ; Tommasino, Pietro |
Published in: |
International finance. - Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell, ISSN 1367-0271, ZDB-ID 1406105-3. - Vol. 16.2013, 2, p. 131-160
Subject: | Schuldenkrise | Debt crisis | Zinsstruktur | Yield curve | Ansteckungseffekt | Contagion effect | Länderrisiko | Country risk | Eurozone | Euro area | 2000-2011 |
Pure or wake-up-call contagion? : another look at the EMU sovereign debt crisis
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Pure or Wake-up-Call Contagion? Another Look at the EMU Sovereign Debt Crisis
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Pure or wake-up-call contagion? Another look at the EMU sovereign debt crisis
Giordano, Raffaela, (2013)
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