Regression analyses of income inequality indices
Year of publication: |
June 2018
Authors: | Fellman, Johan |
Published in: |
Theoretical economics letters. - Irvine, Calif. : Scientific Research, ISSN 2162-2078, ZDB-ID 2657454-8. - Vol. 8.2018, 10, p. 1793-1802
Subject: | Gini Index | Income Distribution | Lorenz Curve | Regression Models | Trapezium Rule | Simpson Rule | Lagrange Rule | Newton-Cotes Method | Einkommensverteilung | Income distribution | Regressionsanalyse | Regression analysis | Gini-Koeffizient | Gini coefficient | Lorenz-Kurve | Lorenz curve | Schätztheorie | Estimation theory | Konzentrationsmaß | Concentration measurement |
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